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Environmental Festivals March 26, 2011

Filed under: Environmental Festivals — U.S. Fish & Wildlife Club @ 7:32 pm

You don’t know where or when the next environmental festival is being held by your college or university?

Well you are in luck…


With the help of this nifty site, you will be provided with all the upcoming environmental festivals in your state as well as other festivals!

Festival Directory


Your club can reach out to these local festivals and ask to have a booth at their event.  A few members of your club can go and provide arts and crafts, face painting, and information pamphlets about animal conservation.  This is a great way to reach out to your community and inform them about animal conservation!




Filed under: Events — U.S. Fish & Wildlife Club @ 7:04 pm

A great way to reach out to your campus community about animal conservation would be to hold various events students can attend.  And these events will not be costly!


Find a local national or state park by your campus and have a group hike one weekend.  This a perfect way for students to see the environment animals live in and the importance to conserve the animal’s habitat.

Here is a helpful link that shows all the U.S. national parks by state:

National Parks

Movie Viewing Night:

Break open a bag of popcorn and hold a movie night in your campus theater!  Your club can play animal conservation documentaries to inform students on campus.

Here is a website that has provided some FREE animal documentaries.  This will be a helpful jumpstart to your movie night!

Animal Documentaries

Field Trip to a Local Zoo:

Who can honestly say they don’t enjoy going to the zoo!!??  Ranging from zoos, aquariums, safaris, wildlife sanctuaries and preserves, there is plenty to select from.

This website provides all the zoos according to state:

Zoo Directory


Kid Friendly Craft Ideas

Filed under: Crafts — U.S. Fish & Wildlife Club @ 6:19 pm

When attending local environmental festivals with your U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service club it would be fun to have kid friendly crafts at your booth! Providing animal crafts will act as a learning tool to teach children the importance of animal conservation.

All the craft ideas that are provided are easy to make, affordable, and supplies you can easily find around the house.  We have selected tigers, turtles, monkey/apes, and elephants as the four animal craft ideas, but feel free to submit your own animal craft ideas!

Kid Friendly Crafts!


Make a CD Turtle

Baby Pet Turtles

Paper Bowl Turtles


Lion Paper Plate

Lion Note Holder

Roaring Lion Paper Plate and Bowl Craft


Unforgettable Elephant

Elephant Puppet

Elephant Pencil Holder


Paper Bag Monkey Puppet

Monkey Mask

Ape Toilet Paper Roll Craft